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mad hot movement

Looking for a unique and effective PD on classroom management? Want a memorable family or student engagement experience? Invite Rodney to work with your school community!

As a school leader, you're looking for new ways to engage and inspire your veteran educators. Or searching for an experience that will positively impact team morale at the beginning or middle of the school year. Perhaps you want an enticing way to get families into the school and excited about interacting with their children.


Featured in the hit documentary Mad Hot Ballroom, Rodney is an arts educator of international renown. He inspires and engages educators, students, and families through a variety of offerings that bring people together through the power of social dance, including:

  • Using the techniques of positive social dance instruction for better classroom management


  • Family dance day workshops to create memorable intergenerational dance experiences


  • Informative workshops on the history of Latin vernacular dance and its importance in the history of the United States


  • How to incorporate more positive movement in classrooms


  • Informative presentations in support of Hispanic Heritage Month

Leading at the intersection of generosity, purpose, and the arts to drive positive impact.

What people are saying

"Everyone, kids and teachers, had a ball today! The kids were excited and interested in doing more! I would love to talk to you about some programmatic options for bringing more dance to our school."


Give the gift of joyful connection to your teams and community!

Invite Rodney to your next PD, conference, or special event.

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